Results That Last
All Breeds is the oldest obedience dog club in New Zealand, Every Monday night trainers and handlers come to the club to train their dogs and have fun !
Training Your Animal Friends
Passionate. Patient. Persistent. Pet-lover. These are just a few of the characteristics that describe us. We know each animal is different, and we will work with you and your pet to give them the specific guidance they need.

Let us help improve your animal-owner relationship. Training improves communication between you and your pet, strengthening the bonds of loyalty and obedience, and increasing the potential to introduce a well-loved member into your family for the rest of their life.
The Club meets every Monday evening ( Rain or shine) at the club grounds from 6.30 PM. Excluding Public holidays.
Please like our Facebook page for up to date announcements in case of cancellations in extreme weather events.
Joining fee/ Annual membership:
Single $50, Family $60
$5 per session or buy a concession card for $25 for six training sessions.
We take direct deposit into our bank account ( See Enrollment form for account details).
Sorry no Cash or EFTPOS
Want to learn about positive reward based animal training while having a good time and meeting like-minded people? If your answer is yes, then you should consider attending our classes on every Monday Evening :
Class schedules:
Starters and Puppies ( Sue's class)
6.30 pm to 7.15 pm
Social Obedience ( Advanced) ( Keith's class)
6.30 pm to 7.30 pm
Competition Obedience ( all stages) ( Bryan's class)
6.30 pm to 7.15 pm
Domestic ( Intermediate) training classes
7.30 pm to 8.15 pm .

Advanced class
Just have a go at one of our ribbon days and test out your training .
Join the Obedience competition class to hone your training, or even compete !
Monday Evenings 6.30 pm to 7.15 pm
If you are new to obedience competition, you will usually start in the Elementary test . Most times you can casually enter on the day. Please see this file for rules of Elementary and what to expect !
Other fun stuff to do with your dog

Rally-O or Rally Obedience is a dog sport based on obedience.
Unlike regular obedience, instead of waiting for the judge's orders, the competitors proceed around a course of designated stations with the dog in heel position. The course consists of 10 to 20 signs that instruct the team what to do.
In the Summer months, we run a Rally-O introduction course. Please keep an eye on Facebook for updates.

The Black Hawk Canine Good CitizenTM (BHCGC) Test is a certification program that tests dogs in simulated everyday situations in a relaxed atmosphere. It identifies and rewards dogs that have the training and demeanour to be reliable family members as well as good-standing community members. It is open to all purebred and crossbred dogs.
The purpose of the BHCGC Test is to ensure that our favourite companion, the dog, can be a respected member of the community because it is trained and conditioned to act with good manners in the home, in public, and in the presence of other dogs
BHCGC training is fun and useful.
Our club regularly runs training for all levels of this certification
( Basic, Foundation, Bronze, Silver and Gold)
and certification assessments.

All Breeds Dog Training Club Inc is the oldest obedience dog club in New Zealand and it was started in 1955.
The club was started because a number of Auckland dog owners felt the need to be able to obedience train their dogs. With the arrival of Mr & Mrs Gerald Randell in Auckland, who were both experts in dog training, the opportunity arose and the rest is now history.
In 1968 the club obtained the lease of the grounds at Captain Springs Road and this has been our home since.
The Club and Committee are very proud of the club rooms and grounds, as we are one of the few dog clubs to have our own home.
Special Moments
We are grateful for the support of our generous sponsors.
Inspired by the pure and fresh ingredients of New Zealand,
our family brings passion and dedication into crafting a functional and results driven range of nutritious health supplements that are easy to use and your animals will love.

As of 1 July, 2017 the New Zealand Kennel Club (formed in 1886) is now trading as Dogs New Zealand. The change of name was made to better reflect the make-up of its membership and their activities. Approximately 35% of the Dogs New Zealand membership is now involved in agility and obedience sports and competitions. The membership is also heavily involved in the provision of domestic dog (and owner) training for the public throughout the country

Dogs do speak, but only to those who know how to listen.”
Orhan Pamuk
Get in touch with All Breeds Dog Training Club to learn more about our classes.
140 Captain Springs Rd, Onehunga, Auckland 1061, New Zealand
We are down the side road of the Captain Springs reserve. Head onto the reserve towards the bowling club and turn right into the car park
09-235 5124